30 رؤية

Zoya Anwari

  • Islam Beauty
    We should not waste time trying to impress the servant, when there is a King to impress. We should never waste our efforts appealing to the servant for our need, while the King is the One in control. Even if the King had given some authority to the servant, we should know very well that the power to give and take rests ultimately with the King - Allah alone.
    • january 13th, 2017 11:15 من طرف Islam Beauty
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  • Islam Beauty
    If you feel that you are lonely and are on the lookout for the ultimate friend, then perhaps you have never communicated with Allah enough. Because if you poured your heart to Him, if you obeyed Him, if you trusted Him, if you knew that He is always there for you, if you turned to Him always for His help, His guidance, His care, His mercy, His barakah, you would never feel alone. Make it a habit to converse with Him. Vocalize your thoughts to Him, though He already knows and sees all. Make a start now and let it mark the beginning of an ultimate connection with your Master.
    • january 12th, 2017 14:30 من طرف Islam Beauty
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