170 رؤية

أمة الله حنان

  • أمة الله حنان
    Le repentir (Le Jardin des Vertueux)
    21. ‘Abdullah Ibn Ka'b Ibn Mâlik a dit : « J'ai entendu Ka'ab Ibn Mâlik raconté sa fameuse histoire lorsqu'il faussa compagnie au Messager de Dieu lors de l'expédition de Tabuk. Ka'b a dit : Je n'ai jamais faussé compagnie au Messager de Dieu dans aucune de ses campagnes sauf celle de Tabuk. Cependant je n'ai pas participé à la bataille de Badr et, à ce moment, aucun de ceux qui s'en étaient absentés ne reçut pour cela de reproche. [Lire la suite]
  • أمة الله حنان
    Beaucoup d'informations sur la REELLE situation à Mindanao & Sulu:
    Why no Muslim should support the 'Comprehensive Agreement on Bangsamoro' In the last week a peace agreement was signed by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the Philippine government. This agreement is known as the Comprehensive Agreement on Bangsamoro (CAB) and has been in the works for almost 2 years, amidst various negotiations and promises by both sides in the agreement. The Philippine government and the MILF have hailed the [Lire la suite]
  • أمة الله حنان
    أمة الله حنان
    • Ummu qassem

      Ummu qassem Tu as vu! Machallah, c'est très bien raconté et dans les moindres détails. april 26th, 2014 21:28

    • أمة الله حنان

      أمة الله حنان On a besoin de personnes comme lui, surtout au Maghreb et en Europe. Alhamdulillah qu'il est parmi les shuhada mais parfois je me dis si seulement il était encore en vie! april 27th, 2014 22:28

    • Ummu qassem

      Ummu qassem Rahimahullah wa taqabalahu ma'a chuhada. c'est vrai que qu'on manque de ce genre d'HOMME!!!! april 28th, 2014 13:49

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  • أمة الله حنان
    Out of those who went out to remain in the Path of Allah and those who chose to remain behind... Which group is most likely to be living without any regret?

    Without a shadow of a doubt it is the Mujahideen.
  • أمة الله حنان
    اللهم إني أصبحت أشهدك وأشهد حملة عرشك ...
    عن أنس رضي الله عنه أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: من قال حين يصبح أو يمسي: اللهم إني أصبحت أشهدك وأشهد حملة عرشك، وملائكتك وجميع خلقك بأنك أنت الله لا إله إلا أنت وحدك لا شريك لك، وأن محمدًا عبدك ورسولك أعتق الله ربعه من النار. ومن قالها مرتين [Lire la suite]
  • أمة الله حنان
    أمة الله حنان
    Non la révolution Tunisienne n'est pas finie et ne finira in cha Allah pas tant qu'on aura pas instauré la khilafa!
  • أمة الله حنان

    The only solution is Jihad in the Path of Allah against these tyrants.
    • أمة الله حنان

      أمة الله حنان This was the amazing area known as Rio Hondo. It was a 100% Muslim area in Zamboanga City, the houses were made out of wood and built over the water and was home to many thousands of residents as well as 5 mosques.

      The entire area was destroyed last year when the Philippine Air Force bombed it and caused all of the houses to be destroyed and burned down.

      The residents are still mostly homeless, and the Crusader occupation government refuses to let the Muslims rebuild there, trying to force them to relocate into the mountains.

      The only solution is Jihad in the Path of Allah against these tyrants. april 6th, 2014 08:37

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  • أمة الله حنان
    أمة الله حنان

    Who can forget the crimes of the Philippine Crusaders when in September 2009 they bombed the area around the central masjid in Sūg, Sulu as the Muslims gathered to pray!
    The crimes of the Philippine Crusaders are many, but bombing Muslims while they pray on Eid is by far one of the worst acts ever witnessed.
  • أمة الله حنان

    A young Muslimah killed in Magindanao province by a Philippine Army airstrike.
    It was in 2008, 5 members of the family were killed, 4 of them were children.

  • أمة الله حنان
    Mosquée rose (pas uniquement pour les femmes) à Mindanao. Très original, on dirait un géant fraisier ma sha Allah!
  • أمة الله حنان
  • أمة الله حنان
    أمة الله حنان
    C'est de cette vidéo que je te parlais Fatima
  • أمة الله حنان
    أمة الله حنان
    oubliez tout, imaginez juste que c'est votre fille!!
  • أمة الله حنان
    Musa Cerantonio: Please see the attached file. Share with those who may be interested in supporting such research...
    • أمة الله حنان

      أمة الله حنان ... If successful and there are a sufficient number of interested parties, our dear brother Yahya Abu Hassân will be able to dedicate all of his working time to research and translation, and our daʿwah can go further. Jazākum Allāhu khayran! http://research.ghuraba.info/support.pdf I would highly recommend those of whom Allah has blessed with wealth to assist in this project, the good that will come from it is greatly needed and I pray that it will have an effect upon the Ummah as a whole. Any support is welcome, whether it be regular or as a one-off contribution. No matter what you may give, I promise you that I will be making du'ā for you asking for nothing less than the highest of levels of Paradise for you and your family. june 13th, 2013 07:29

    • أمة الله حنان

      أمة الله حنان magnifique occasion de gagner des hasanat in cha Allah, comment? ça dépend de vos moyens 1) Allah vous a donné plus d'argent que vous n'en avez besoin (c'est souvent le cas même si on ne l'admet pas) I l s'agit pour ceux qui en ont les moyens d'aider financièrement un chercheur traducteur en islam, (votre argent lui permettra de subvenir aux besoins de sa famille puisqu'il ne pourra pas travailler car il veut consacrer son temps à la traduction et à la recherche islamique) 2) vous n'avez pas les moyens dans ce cas là aidez le en faisant tourner ce message et lors de vos dou'a. Invoque Allah pour qu'Il lui trouve des gens pour l'aider et pour qu'Il le guide dans son travail. le but? les résultats (livres...) seront gratuits in cha Allah! votre salaire? beaucoup de hassanat si Allah le veut et beaucoup d'invocations. BARAKA ALLAHU FIKOUM june 13th, 2013 07:41

    • أمة الله حنان

      أمة الله حنان Yahya Abu Hassân Assalamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh; jazakum Allahu khayran Br. Musa and everyone else who is getting involved to help this project succeed. I am in the process of securing an easily accessible bank account to receive donations. Until then, and if it suits you, donations can be sent by PayPal to the address: [email protected] May Allah bless you and this effort to make His religion and its original understanding supreme on this earth. Ameen. june 14th, 2013 09:38

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  • أمة الله حنان
    أمة الله حنان
    L'importance de la langue arabe par M.Cerantonio