39635 رؤية

Urwa Azam

  • Urwa Azam
    Ibn abbas (RAA) explained that it does not mean that they completely abandoned prayers, but that they delayed them to the end of their prescribed times. Sa'id bin Musayyab, a great Imam following the generation of the Companions, elaborated on this, saying: "A person neglects if he delays the noon prayer up to the afternoon prayer time, afternoon prayer up to almost sunset prayer time, sunset prayer up to evening prayer time, and evening prayer up to morning prayer time, while delaying morning prayer until just before sunrise. If anyone dies without repentance while continuing in this manner, Allah has promised Ghayy for him, and that is a valley in Hell which is very deep and has foul food." Allah Most High says: Woe to the worshippers who are unmindful of their prayer. (Quran 107:4-5)
    • march 15th, 2016 18:45 من طرف Urwa Azam
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